
Overview of funding instruments for Swiss cleantech companies

The Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, the BAFU, provides two digital tools offering an overview of the funding instruments in the areas of environment and energy and are potential sources of funding for Swiss companies. 


Innovation landscape

The innovation landscape is an interactive map. It highlights the funding instruments in the areas of environment and energy – both on a national and an international level. Each funding instrument is represented as a “mountain” and arranged according to the type of project (basic research, applied research, laboratory prototype, pilot and demonstration, authorization and launch, market diffusion and export). The Federal Office for the Environment updates the data in the innovation landscape at regular intervals. Go to innovation landscape

Foundation data bank

This data bank from the Federal Office for the Environment provides an overview of more than 650 foundations that operate in Switzerland in the areas of environment, energy, education, research and innovation. In this interactive graphic, Swiss companies can find suitable sources of funding and refine their search according to the following criteria:

  • Area of impact (energy or environment)
  • Levels of education (preschool to tertiary stage)
  • Innovation phases (basic research to market diffusion)
  • Recipients (natural persons, organizations, schools or companies)
  • Type of funding (type of grant or award)

The respective results are displayed on a map of Switzerland so that they can be arranged geographically. Go to foundation data bank

Need export support?

Would you also like to sell your products or services abroad? We at Switzerland Global Enterprise will support you on your way to new markets: with specific information, competent consultation and a global network of experts. We inform you about relevant developments in the global markets, supply contacts and partners and highlight new business opportunities. Overview Services

Cleantech Cube

Sie exportieren Cleantech-Lösungen und wollen von Kunden und potenziellen Partnern im Ausland gefunden werden? Dann registrieren Sie sich jetzt beim Cleantech CUBE und profitieren Sie von einer Gratisberatung, Rabatten auf weitere Beratungsleistungen und gratis Teilnahme an Exportveranstaltungen.


Official program