
Guiding Swiss companies through China's digital ecosystem

Our guide will help Swiss SMEs to understand the basic digital ecosystem in China for marketing especially e-commerce related. It provides detailed information on the model, cost, operation strategies of various digital marketing platforms and tools, and gives extensive suggestions on how to use the applications.

person writing on a laptop

How to Get Started with Digital Marketing in China

Our guide provides clear, practical information on the most relevant digital marketing pathways for Swiss companies in China. This guide is aimed at Swiss companies with no knowledge of China, as well as those who are already in the market and looking to make important decisions about where and how to invest their marketing budget. The opportunity for Swiss SMEs in China is significant, but to be successful, Swiss companies must understand China’s digital platforms and invest wisely. A quick start can be made by establishing a ‘basic presence’, but it is wise to develop a sound strategy before investing further, otherwise the market can quickly become very expensive.

E-commerce and Digital Ecosystem in China

This guide is to help Swiss companies take practical steps to succeed in China's digital ecosystem. With the world's largest e-commerce market, over 800 million active shoppers, over one billion internet users, and a significantly different language and cultural landscape, deciding where to start in China can be overwhelming. 

Individual Consultation

Are you interested in the Chinese e-commerce? Contact our consultant for this country in order to discuss the potential of your products and services in this region.



Guiding Swiss companies through China's digital ecosystem


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