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Tokenization and Digital Assets

Switzerland’s Blockchain Ecosystem Offers Legal Certainty and Room for Innovation

In this webinar we will introduce you to the Swiss regulatory framework and how multinational companies can make the most of a Swiss location.

Swiss laws, unlike those of many other countries, are formulated in a technology neutral way, which means that companies implementing novel business models and emerging technologies can operate within existing law and enjoy legal certainty. This progressive regulatory environment laid the foundation back in 2013 for the now famous Swiss “Crypto Valley” and has contributed to a thriving blockchain industry scene ever since.

In this webinar we will introduce you to the Swiss regulatory framework and address topics like tokenized assets and risk management. Find out how Switzerland’s established ecosystem of exchanges, crypto banks, licensed brokers, custodians etc. can support your business growth and how its regulatory framework will give your company the legal certainty you need to operate. 

Time zone: Please note that the times mentioned on this page are CET.

Webinar time in New York: 1pm-2pm / in San Francisco: 10am-11am.



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Pubblico target Americas
Organizzatore Switzerland Global Enterprise
Lingua dell’evento


Costi di partecipazione Free of charge
Scadenza della registrazione


Danny Nelson

Danny Nelson

Managing Editor for Data and Tokens, CoinDesk
Ophelia Snyder

Ophelia Snyder

Co-Founder and President, 21.co
Marcel Hostettler

Marcel Hostettler

Partner, Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek
Austin Fatheree

Austin Fatheree

Chief Technology Officer, ORIGYN Foundation

Event Partner

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