
Schaffhausen vocational training project receives award

The Schaffhausen vocational training project go tec! has won a prize for excellence in vocational and professional education and training. Federal councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann was present at the ENTERPRIZE 2017 awards ceremony.

Schaffhausen vocational training project go tec! receives award. (generic image)

The vocation training project go tec! was selected as one of the best three projects at ENTERPRIZE 2017. Awarded for the sixth time, ENTERPRIZE is organised by the SVC Foundation for Entrepreneurship and the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET). More than 20 projects applied for the prize, which was awarded last week in the presence of the federal councillor Johann Schneider-Ammann.

As the canton of Schaffhausen announced, the jury particularly commended “the bridge building between industry, trade, school and politics”. go tec! provides a supplementary offer beyond the role of public schools and the vocational training requires of industry and the technical trade.

The project go tec! was created by the Education Department and the Economic Promotion Agency of the canton of Schaffhausen together with the canton’s chamber of commerce (IVS), and has been led by the go tec foundation since 2013. Its aim is to motivate children and youth to pursue technical professions in order to counter the lack of skilled professionals in the technical field.

“For the go tec foundation and the canton of Schaffhausen, this acknowledgment is a great pleasure as it shows that this project, which is supported by Schaffhausen Regional and Economic Development (RSE), is a successful example in Switzerland of how to deal with a skills shortage,” according to the canton.

The other two projects to win this year were the Union of Swiss Carrosseries (VSCI) with its project Top Training Organisation and the University Hospital Zurich with its project Learning and Working Group.


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