
Why it pays to optimize your global supply chain

Opportunities for nearshoring in Central and Eastern Europe in the MEM industries

Find out why it pays to optimize global procurement and supply chains with regard to Central and Eastern Europe and what is important when searching for suppliers in our webinar with experts.

Man working in warehouse

The Covid 19 pandemic has tested the resilience of the global value chain and confronted the MEM industry with numerous challenges. Companies were struggling with shortages in the procurement of critical parts and materials, and the search for suppliers was an issue everywhere. Delayed deliveries suddenly became part of everyday life; longer lead times had to be taken into account.

Optimize procurement and supply chains

To minimize problems in procurement, in global supply chains and in the search for suppliers, an increasing number of internationally active SMEs are thinking about optimization. A trend towards nearshoring is expected; as short supply chains are less vulnerable.

Webinar: Nearshoring in Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania and Co.

Find out how attractive Central and Eastern Europe is for the supply chain optimization of Swiss companies in the MEM industry in the webinar recording below. In cooperation with the consultancy firm OptiBuy Ltd., we will show you what to consider when realigning your supply chain and procurement, what benefits and risks this entails and what you need to look out for when searching for suppliers and establishing long-term cooperation with local suppliers. You will also get an overview of the main product categories that can be sourced from Central and Eastern Europe and benefit from the experience of a Swiss company that has expanded its production to Bulgaria.

Content and speakers

  • Opening and introduction by Katalin Dreher-Hajnal, Senior Consultant Central Eastern Europe, Switzerland Global Enterprise
  • Welcome by Raoul Keller, Secretary General, SWISSMEM and Member of Management Board, SEC Chamber of Commerce Switzerland – Central Europe
  • Supply chain optimization through nearshoring in Central and Eastern Europe by Tomasz Gonsior, Partner, Optibuy Ltd.
  • Experience sharing: recommendations and lessons learned of Swiss company with production facility in Bulgaria by Eugen Peterhans, Delegate of the Board of Directors and CEO, Howag Kabel AG
  • Q&A and summary

