Company profile


Chemin de Chambert 24
1233 Bernex
Offline Digital Classrooms
Mass Learning and Education
Offline AI tutoring

Digital classrooms, anywhere – no internet needed.


The Beekee Box is a can-sized computer with Wi-Fi capabilities. Clients load their courses onto the Learning Management System on the Box, and instructors can then just switch on the Box to give learners access to the content and collaborative applications – on learners’ smartphones, tablets or PCs. The Beekee Box is not connected to the Internet, has a battery, and also works on standard power banks, making it independent of both internet and power availability.

The Beekee solution is the ideal training solution for the Global South, but also in cybersensitive industrial sites or for dispersed teams in construction, mining, catering etc.


Jaques Bøgh
Jaques Bøgh
Late Founder, COO and CFO