Third Party Event

Science, Health and Innovation - Digital Round Table

A sustainable persepctive beyond the crisis

Public Health and welfare in modern societies are dependant from a clear vision in scientific and technological innovation and the interaction of public and private sectir


Target audience Health sector
Организатор Swiss Embassy Rome
Язык мероприятия


Cтоимость участия Free
Kлючевые докладчики

Rita Adam - Ambasciatrice di Svizzera in Italia
Mario Monti - Presidente Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Developmen
Francesca Bria - Presidente Fondo Nazionale per lInnovazione
Marco Simoni - Presidente Human Technopole Milano
Esti Shelly - Direttrice Digital Health Division, Ministero israeliano della salute
Pasquale Frega - Presidente Gruppo farmaceutiche europee e giapponesi Farmindustria

