Fact Sheet

Infrastructure investments in the Czech Republic as a business opportunity

This factsheet offers an excellent overview of infrastructure projects in the Czech Republic

This factsheet examines some of the main infrastructure investments and recent developments in that sector in the Czech Republic. It covers motorways, railways, smart infrastructure and e-mobility.

trainstation with sunset background

This factsheet provides Swiss entrepreneurs with insights into some of the main infrastructure projects in the Czech Republic and its strategy to develop traditional and new means of transport in line with the principles of green economy. It deals with investments in motorways, railways, smart infrastructure and e-moblilty. Investors will find out more about the development of Czech highways and the Prague ring, planned high-speed rail connection between Prague and Dresden, the expansion of Prague’s metro, the construction of recharging and filling stations for alternative fuels, the construction of the Czech Gigafactory producing batteries for electric vehicles, and smart-city solutions. It also lists opportunities and offers recommendations for Swiss companies.

Individual Consultation

Are you interested in the Czech infrastructure market? Contact our consultant for this country in order to discuss the potential of your products and services in this region.


Infrastructure time in the Czech Republic (06/2023)



Official program