
USA: opportunities in the infrastructure sector 2021

In 2021, members of Congress across the political spectrum agree that upgrades to the country’s infrastructure is needed. The Swiss Business Hub USA report, which can be downloaded below,  seeks to break down the current status of the three sectors transport, energy and wastewater management and identify opportunities for Swiss SMEs.

Infrastructure USA 2021

Democratic administrations have traditionally looked to invest in renewable energy and new infrastructure with a focus on combating climate change. To this end Joe Biden has proposed a $2 Trillion 10-year infrastructure plan that meets both Democratic ideals as well as appealing to Republicans by stressing Job Creation and America First. The plan is titled “The Biden Plan to Build a Modern, Sustainable Infrastructure and equitable Clean Energy Future”[1]. It calls for a $300 Billion investment in 2021 to act as a stimulus. The main points include:

  • Build a Modern Infrastructure
  • Position the U.S. Auto Industry to win the 21st Century with technology invented in America
  • Achieve a Carbon pollution free power sector by 2035
  • Make dramatic investments in energy efficiency in buildings, including completing 4 million retrofits and building 1.5 million new affordable homes
  • Pursue a historic investment in clean energy innovation
  • Advanced sustainable agriculture and conservation
  • Secure Environmental justice and equitable economy opportunity

It should be noted that this proposal was part of Biden’s election bid and as such details of a full proposal which will then go to the US congress have still not be made public.

Report: Overview of the transport, energy and wastewater management sectors in the US

In the following report, the Swiss Business Hub USA aims to provide an overview of current investments in the transport, energy and wastewater sectors and to highlight potential business opportunities for Swiss companies.




Official program