
Business opportunities in digital health in Malaysia

Growth in the use of digital healthcare technologies in the country has opened up opportunities for Swiss companies. This report highlights the potential opportunities and also the challenges in the market and offers recommendations on market entry pathways.

Digital Health Woman Medical

Malaysia, one of the largest economies in South East Asia, is on track to achieving high-income status by 2024. The country has one of the highest standards of living in the region, and is attempting to move further up the value-added production chain. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, growth was sharply reversed to -6% in 2020. Nevertheless, the IMF expects the economy to experience a strong rebound at 7.8% in 2021.

Report: Business opportunities in digital health in Malaysia

In addition to general macroeconomic fundamentals, the report provides a current review of the ways in which the digital healthcare landscape is changing in Malaysia, highlighting its characteristics, the most recent developments, and identifying the key healthcare providers and technology players. It also outlines the regulatory environment, the regulatory agencies and policies.

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Market Report: Business Opportunities in Digital Health in Malaysia (09/2021)



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