
Wine exports to south-east Asia - how it works

The emerging markets of the ASEAN region are demanding more and more quality products - an opportunity for Swiss wine exports. You can find detailed information on this and what opportunities Singapore, Malaysia and Co. offer in our webinar recording.

Wine export

The countries of the ASEAN region form one of the most dynamic economies in the world. Growth rates are rising steadily year after year, and the affluent middle class is growing. The additional disposable income increases the demand for high-quality products - and this also applies to wine. Globalization and the globetrotters' willingness to experiment are fueling this trend even further - new and trendy offerings are welcome in the Southeast Asian F&B area.

Webinar: Wine exports to South-East Asia

In our webinar recording, experts will show you how to enter the Singapore and Malaysian markets, why it is important to build on the “Swiss made” branding and support for market entry for wine exports to the ASEAN region.



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