
イベントレポート イノベーション大国 スイスの全貌

Event Report: Innovation Powerhouse – Switzerland




Aiming to explore Switzerland’s outstanding research and development landscape and its thriving open innovation ecosystem, the Swiss Business Hub Japan organized a seminar on May 25 in Tokyo. The seminar brought together industry professionals, researchers, government representatives, and innovation enthusiasts, fostering knowledge sharing and networking opportunities.

2023年5月25日 スイス・イノベーションの代表3名が来日し、オープンイノベーションセミナーを開催。


基調講演に続き、Yokogawa Innovation Switzerland GmbH のチーフサイエンスオフィサー野島大祐氏が、日本のグローバル製造企業としてスイスのオープンイノベーションネットワークに加わった経験を語りました。同社はバイオテクノロジー関連の新しい研究開発プロジェクトやコラボレーションモデルを生み出すことを使命として、スイスで精力的に活動しています。

続いて3つのスイス・イノベーション・パークが、スイスの活発な研究開発の状況を発表し、最先端の研究インフラへの投資、共同研究の機会、イノベーションへの取り組みに対するスイスの世界的な評価や、研究開発とオープンイノベーション推進における官民パートナーシップの重要性、また産学官提携成功例とその達成結果を報告しました。スイス・イノベーションを代表してパーク・イノヴァーレのアミール・エルダ 氏、パーク・ビール / ビエンヌ のドミニク・ゴレッキー 氏、パーク・ネットワーク・ウェスト EPFL の アントワン・ジョーダン 氏が登壇し、スイスの活気あるイノベーション環境、スイスの研究開発およびオープンイノベーション・コミュニティに参加するための実践的ツールを紹介しました。




The seminar kicked off with an engaging keynote speech delivered by Prof. Dr. Noboru Konno, President, Japan Innovation Network (JIN), a renowned expert in the field of innovation. Prof. Dr. Konno highlighted the importance of open innovation for Japan and Switzerland's potential prominent role as a partner. He also emphasized the significance of international research and development for Japan’s economic growth and societal progress. 

Following the keynote speech, Dr. Daisuke Nojima, Chief Science Officer, Yokogawa Innovation Switzerland GmbH shared his experiences and insights in being part of the Swiss open innovation network as a global Japanese manufacturing company with the mission to create new biotechnology-related R&D projects and collaboration models.

Subsequently, three Switzerland Innovation Parks shed light on Switzerland’s thriving R&D landscape, highlighting the country’s investment in cutting-edge research infrastructure, collaboration opportunities, and its global reputation for innovation initiatives. The speakers underlined the importance of public-private partnerships in advancing R&D and open innovation. They discussed successful collaborations between academic institutions, industry and government bodies, showcasing the positive outcomes achieved through such alliances. 

The following speakers represented the Switzerland Innovation Parks: Mr. Amir Eldad, Park Innovaare, Dr. Dominic Gorecky, Park Biel/ Bienne Ltd. |hyperlink|, and Mr. Antoine Jourdan, Park Network West EPFL, for sharing the information on Switzerland’s vibrant innovation landscape and practical insights as well as tools to join the Swiss R&D and open innovation community.

Mr. Toshihiro Matsuda, Swiss Business Hub Japan, stressed the affinity between the Swiss innovation ecosystem and the Japanese manufacturing industry, and explained how the Swiss Business Hub Japan can support Japanese companies in leveraging open innovation to drive business growth and foster international partnerships.

Following the presentations, attendees had ample opportunity to network, exchange ideas and explore potential collaborations. Participants engaged in lively discussions and fostered new relationships within the Swiss R&D and open innovation community.

As the organizer, Swiss Business Hub Japan would like to express its gratitude to all the speakers and participants. We encourage you to take advantage of Switzerland Innovation, which offers Japanese companies a wealth of opportunities for R&D activities and open innovation. If you are interested in Switzerland as a potential collaboration partner for your company, please contact the Swiss Business Hub Japan, Investment Promotion.




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