Our strategy

About us

Together with our partners in Switzerland and abroad, we want to create the greatest possible benefits for all customers and contribute to Switzerland’s prosperity in line with the sustainable development goals.

S-GE Mission


Together with our partners at in Switzerland and abroad, S-GE supports Swiss SMEs in their international business activities and helps innovative foreign companies with potential and interest establish themselves in Switzerland. In doing so, S-GE achieves added value for its customers and prosperity for Switzerland.  

S-GE Vision


Swiss SMEs realize their international business potential in new and existing markets. Switzerland is the best choice of location for in Europe for innovative foreign companies.

S-GE Strategy


S-GE focuses on consistent customer orientation as well as an integrated service provision with partners. S-GE therefore S-GE pursues a strategy of quality and can actively respond to changing customer needs and changes in the economic and political environment, while at the same time, acting in accordance with the Confederation’s foreign economic strategy and its sustainable development goals. 


Together with our partners, we will have successfully implemented our strategy if we are able to continuously develop our offer tailored to the customer, maintain, expand and integrate a customer-relevant partner network, focusing our global presence in a customer-centric way, develop and retain committed staff and be an outward-looking, flexible organization. In addition, we consistently focus on the intelligent use of digitalization and steadily integrate the key aspects of sustainable development into our business model.

Massgeschneidertes Angebot

1. Tailored offering

Together with our partners, we anticipate our customers’ needs and meet them with jointly developed and integrated customized services. 

Kundenrelevantes Partnernetzwerk

2. Client-driven partner network

We develop, coordinate and maintain the partner network relevant to customers in all our markets. The integrative partner approach creates the optimal customer impact along the entire customer journey and ensures productivity and subsidiarity. 

Fokussierte globale Präsenz

3. Global focus

We ensure global coverage and consistent service quality by pooling our resources in key markets with high export potential and providing basic services in all markets through qualified partners. 

Engagierte Mitarbeiter

4. Committed team

We build the right skills and motivate our staff to be highly committed. This strengthens our profile as a flexible, customer-oriented organization. 

Digitalisierung und operational Excellence

5. Smart digitalization

We use digital technologies and data-based insights and apply them intelligently to best support customers on their journey. 

Integrierte Nachhaltigkeit

6. Integrated sustainability

We achieve our goal by integrating the Confederation’s sustainability goals into our core business.