Industry Report

Opportunities in the Japanese Energy Industry

The ongoing changes in Japan’s energy industry and power markets caused by the country’s drive toward a more sustainable future are creating numerous business opportunities. How can Swiss SMEs benefit from this development? 

Japanese village with solar panels

In July 2021, after a delay caused by COVID-19-related uncertainties, the Japanese government released a draft version of the 6th Basic Energy Plan outlining the country’s long-term energy strategy. This article, the first of a series, will highlight opportunities for Swiss SMEs in the Japanese energy industry. Those will then be examined in further detail in our upcoming publications.

You can expect to read more about: 

  • Japan’s Energy Transition 
  • Renewable Generation and Green Hydrogen Production
  • Power Grid and Virtual Power Plants
  • Power and Environmental Value Markets

Check out the link section below to explore specific articles about the Japanese energy industry and business opporunities for Swiss SMES. 


Opportunities for Swiss SMEs in the Japanese Energy Industry (10/2021)



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