Success stories

Eugen Seitz AG: Full Steam Ahead Towards Korea

Eugen Seitz AG is a family-owned company specializing in valve technology with a total of 120 employees. The high-tech components from Wetzikon are used in six industrial sectors worldwide. As a world market leader, Seitz supports its customers in reducing their environmental impact during the production of PET bottles. Seitz’ valves, which make hydrogen filling stations safer and more efficient, place them at the cutting-edge of areas of sustainability. In order to gain a foothold in Korea, Seitz and Switzerland Global Enterprise successfully searched for distribution partners for their hydrogen filling station applications.


“Sustainability is our top priority. S-GE and the Swiss Business Hubs help us build bridges internationally and make the world greener and more livable as part of the hydrogen value chain.”

Andreas Bircher, CSO Eugen Seitz AG

*Please give us a brief description of your activities in Korea.

We want to work together to build a green future in Korea and consequently further develop the hydrogen market there. Our mission is to find an established local distributor for our innovative technology. 

How could S-GE support you on your way to international markets? 

First, S-GE supported us in the potential analysis with market studies on Korea and Japan. The next step was to find the right sales partner with the help of S-GE’s local network. We then flew to Korea with our team and S-GE opened the doors for us there. As a result, we were able to gain a foothold in Korea very quickly.

What personal advice would you give to a company that also wants to take the plunge into Korea? 

Finding the right local partner is crucial. This is where I can really recommend working with S-GE to build the bridge between Korea and Switzerland. You should also be patient in building trust and relationships with local business partners; dining together is an important part of the process. You can also look forward to Korean barbecue – which, by the way, I highly recommend!

In which areas does sustainability play a particularly important role in your company? Was there an area where S-GE could help you become even more sustainable? 

Sustainability is our top priority and is firmly anchored in our vision and strategy. In particular, conserving natural resources in order to make the life of the next generation more livable is at the very top of our list of priorities. For example, we have just received the EcoVadis certification. We are deliberately investing in the hydrogen market in order to make the world that much greener. With the support of S-GE, we avoided some flights to Asia to conduct market analyses thanks to S-GE’s local presence and have been able to advance the hydrogen market.

Would you say that sustainability gives you an international competitive advantage in the export business? 

In my view, all companies should deal with this today, at the latest. We only have one world to take care of. I firmly believe that we can make a contribution to sustainability with our innovative power, especially from our location in Switzerland. If, for example, we can ensure that a machine manufacturer in the beverage market uses less energy due to our solutions, that is a decisive competitive advantage. We are an important link in the value chain and contribute to greater sustainability.

What goals and challenges do you want to tackle next?

In recent years, we have grown by double digits. We will continue to do this consistently and follow a clear growth and investment strategy in our ambitions for 2030. Our goal is to become the most attractive company in Switzerland. This allows us to draw in additional talent to help shape our success story and inspire other customers around the world.

Regarding internationalization, which markets do you still want to address?

In addition to Korea, a number of other countries are also targeted in Asia. In order to strategically advance the Seitz Group’s internationalization, a number of prerequisites have to be considered. Among other things, the team should have intercultural competences and the right mindset. We are privileged to have successfully built this team over the last few years. 

Would you also recommend other companies to work with S-GE? 

I can absolutely recommend this! S-GE is very helpful with its local networking, especially in the early phase of market entry. The process was heavily driven by S-GE, but always with us on board, and worked quickly and smoothly. If you want to grow internationally, I highly recommend working with S-GE.

Hydrogen as an energy source is one of the current megatrends in Korea and opens up an important perspective for Eugen Seitz. Given Korea’s highly competitive industrial landscape, carefully selecting a business partner was essential. We are pleased that, among other things, we have successfully brought Eugen Seitz together with an experienced local partner, allowing the company to further expand its presence in the market.

Michela Giuliato, Consultant Japan + South Korea, S-GE

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